i’m a military kid. throughout my short 27 years i’ve lived in 4 states & 8 cities/towns. for a while we moved every 3 years & while i really hated it when i was younger, i can see the value in it now. my mom says that i’m over-adjusted because
home is wherever i lay my head at night.

as i think back i can remember a few key moments in life
when i really felt a home; really felt like i belonged:
when i was 13& he asked me to
marry him for the hundredth time.
at my senior prom, dancing with my
high school boyfriend & all of our friends.
the summer of 2007 that i spent living
in my sorority house.
dancing at winter formal with my
twin sister & my best friend.
the moment i met one of my best
friends in graduate school.
just a couple of years ago, crying
on the phone to my dad because all my friends from college were engaged & i had just ended a 2 year relationship.
i guess home, for me, hasn’t really been a place, it’s been
more of a feeling. it’s a feeling i’ve
found in people & situations. it’s
been that little voice in my heart that says,
“this is exactly where
you are supposed to be & who you are supposed to be with.”
throughout my life these moments have been fleeting. it’s not a feeling that stays with me for
very long. it’s been kind of like a cold
breeze that brushes you at the perfect moment on a hot summer day – you relish
in while it’s there & live waiting for its return.
it’s not something that’s ever bothered me. as i said, i’ve been happy as a nomad. i usually looked at “home” as a burden – all
of my friends were so eager to move back home & i just wanted to see the
world. i didn’t have any strings that tied me anywhere. i always thought i was more free.
& then home found me.
at first i didn’t notice it. it was small things like really loving my apartment & the
weather. i started to fall in love with fayetteville & the people here. once
fall hit & the leaves started to change i was sold; this is somewhere i could
see myself for years in the future. but i still didn’t realize that this was “home” for me.
we were in a meeting. someone asked the question “what is your favorite time of year on
campus?” first someone said the fall & football season. someone else said may. then, michael, who was sitting across
from me, said “i really like february.” instinctively i said “oh that’s my birthday!” without skipping a beat he said:
“oh it’s stephanie’s
birthday! that must be why i like
it! stephanie already lives every day
like it’s a celebration, so i can only imagine how excited she’ll be when it’s
her birthday!”
& then he went on to actually answer the question. but for me, that’s when it really
clicked. the u of a & fayetteville, ar is a place where i’ve always felt comfortable. these people, the amazing people here, have always seen me for who i am & embraced me completely. they
appreciate my excitement for life, my creativity, & who i am. i’ve never felt like i couldn’t be myself,
not once.
it’s a feeling i’ve never felt before. i like this feeling. i like these strings. this
is home.
as you start preparing for the holidays & the time with
family, i urge you to find your home. go
to those people or that place & just sit for a moment. soak up everything that’s going on around
you. appreciate the little things. be thankful for big things. remember, home isn’t easy to find & home
isn’t everywhere. if you haven’t found
your home, keep looking. if a nomad who
never wanted a home can find one, so can you.
& if home is where the heart is then mine is at the u of a.